Sakura Watch April 14, 2023 - Hot weather has accelerated the development into Stages 4 and 5, and the bloom is going to be early this year!
Sakura Watch April 14, 2023 - Hot weather has accelerated the development into Stages 4 and 5, and the bloom is going to be early this year! After nearly a full week of bright sunshine and hot summer-like weather, today’s visit was a great surprise. I was expecting to see some advanced development from the above seasonal temperatures, but the high 20s days proved to greatly accelerate blossom buds’ development to bring us ever closer to an early bloom!
Watch the Youtube video update below or continue reading further down.
Jump to Stages 4 and 5 of Development
Although a few trees remain in the latter half of Stage 3, the majority were well on their way into Stage 4. This stage is when we begin to see the peduncle exposed (a peduncle is the name of the outer ‘shell’ that bounds the cherry blossom flower petals until they are ready to open into a beautiful flower.
Stage 5 is when the peduncle extends out in what is called ‘peduncle elongation.’ This last step sets the stage for the blossom to open up within a few days after the extension.
Each bud will have anywhere from 2 to 5 peduncles, which, when fully opened, make up the wonder cherry blossom clusters we all love to see.
Here are photos showing the advanced progress as seen today:

Weather looks good
Over the next two weeks, the forecast will see temperatures return to more seasonal averages of high single to low double-digit numbers. There are no signs of near-zero or below-freezing temperatures which is also advantageous. Overall, little rain and sunny days are on tap, which are very favourable conditions for the advanced stages to continue to develop into full bloom. (source: the Weather Network 14-day forecast). The only question now is to see whether the fair weather will continue into the end of the month and allow us an extended Sakura Hanami, or will bursts of rain shorten the viewing time?
Updated Bloom prediction
Based on the observations seen today, I can see the bloom dates for the Sakura Cherry Blossom bloom will begin even a few days earlier, between April 20 to 28. The first few blossoms may begin to open as early as this coming April 15-16 weekend! I don’t see these dates changing or fluctuating unless we get another sudden heat wave or cold spell. However, all things considered, next weekend is priming up to be the best time for taking in the earlier full bloom in High Park.
Stay tuned for more details and follow-up updates!
Do Your Part to Help the Trees from Damage
As much fun as it is to get up close to enjoy the cherry blossoms truly, there are some who take it a bit too far and cause damage to the tree that can lead to irreparable harm so the trees can not protect themselves from insects and disease and eventually die. This leaves us with less mature trees to enjoy, so please, if you really want to enjoy the blossoms for many years to come, you need to do your part to help protect the trees and prevent any harm to them:
Don’t pick or break off any blossoms
Don’t pull down, shake or break off the branches
Don’t climb, sit or stand on the trunks or branches - the mature trees are very old and not strong enough to support the weight and stress of people, even small children!
Don’t leave any litter IN or around the trees - it’s so sad to see people putting their garbage in the hollow trunks of the older trees, which invites animals and other insects to nest inside and cause internal damage.
DO take photos without harming the trees
DO enjoy the blossoms and respect their immediate surroundings
DO remember that respecting the trees from root to branch will help everyone to enjoy the blooming trees for many years to come
Donate to Support The Cherry Blossoms
The City of Toronto now accepts donations to help maintain existing trees and plant future ones. See this link for details.
Read more details and information on the City of Toronto - Cherry Blossom Website
Thank you all for visiting the site. Be careful, be safe, and watch for more updates soon.