Sakura Watch, May 8, 2013 - Only a few blossoms left to enjoy
Sakura Watch, May 8, 2013 - Only a few blossoms left to enjoy with very few sakura cherry blossoms left to view throughout High Park. Grounds are dotted with soft pink and white petals, and the great white is seen this past weekend is now being replaced with hues of red stems and green leaves. If your patient and look carefully you can still see the remaining few but the next few days of rain are likely to knock them off the trees.
One bright spot, however, are the Akebono & Fugenzo blossom varieties, a small group of 6-8 trees by the pond at the bottom of Hillside Gardens, are only beginning to open up and bloom. These blossoms are delightful as they are very full, large flowers in the same pretty shades of pink and white.

Here are collection of photos from this evening and see how different the park looks from less then a week ago...